Percentage of a Value Calculation

What is % of   =

Percentage Calculation

is what percent of =

Whole Value Calculation

is % of what =

Percentage Increase/Decrease Calculation

from to =


What is a percentage ?

Percentage is meaning a number as fraction of 100 in the math.


How to calculate Percentage of a value ?


What is 15% of 120 ?

(15% / 100) x 120 = 18


How to calculate Percentage ?


20 is what percent of 80 ?

(20 / 80) x 100% = 25


How to calculate Whole value ?


50 is 10% of what ?

(50 / 10) x 100% = 500


How to calculate percentage changes ?


What is the percentage change from 30 is 60 of what ?

((90 - 30) / 30) x 100% = 200