These codes are under the successful class. These codes say that the request was successfully received, understood, and processed by the server.
- 200 - OK : This code says that the client's request was successful, and the server has successfully processed and fulfilled the request. In other words, it means that the request was valid, and the server is sending back the requested resource or data in the response body.
- 201 - Created : This code says that a request has been successfully fulfilled, and a new resource has been created as a result of the request. It is commonly used in RESTful API design to inform the client that the requested resource has been successfully created on the server.
- 202 - Accepted : This code says that the request has been accepted for processing by the server, but the processing has not been completed at the time of the response. It's a way for the server to acknowledge receipt of the request and inform the client that the processing may take some time or occur asynchronously.
- 203 - Non-Authoritative Information : This code says that the server has successfully fulfilled the client's request, but the response is not authoritative or definitive. It is used when the server is a proxy or gateway, and the response is derived from a source other than the original server, and the original server's response might be different.
- 204 - No Content : This code says that the server has successfully processed the client's request but is not sending back any content in the response body. In other words, the request has been fulfilled, and there is no additional data to return to the client.
- 205 - Reset Content : This code says that the client should reset or clear the current view or form in which the request was made. It is used in situations where the client's request has been successfully processed, and the server is instructing the client to clear any form fields or input data and start with a fresh, empty form or view.
- 206 - Partial Content : This code says that the server has successfully fulfilled a partial GET request from the client. It is used when a client sends a request with the "Range" header to request only a specific portion of a resource, such as a range of bytes in a large file. The server then responds with the requested portion of the resource.
- 207 - Multi-Status : This code says a multi-status response for a Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) request. WebDAV is an extension of the HTTP protocol used for collaborative editing and managing files on web servers. The 207 status code is specifically designed for WebDAV operations, which can involve multiple sub-requests, each with its own status.
- 208 - Already Reported : This code says a already reported response for a Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) request. WebDAV is an extension of the HTTP protocol used for collaborative editing and managing files on web servers. The 208 status code is specific to WebDAV operations and indicates that the members of a DAV binding have already been enumerated in a preceding part of the multistatus response, and they are not being repeated.
- 218 - This is fine : It is not a standard HTTP status code defined in the HTTP/1.1 or earlier HTTP specifications. It's important to note that this status code does not have an official definition or recognition in the HTTP standard or by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
- 226 - IM Used : This code says that the server is using a different response representation because it adheres to the IM (Instance Manipulation) protocol. The IM protocol is defined in RFC 3229 and is used to negotiate content transformations.